***Please go to https://www.olyham.org for the new OARS website, this website will soon be closed.***


New training from FSRI: Science of Fire and Explosion Hazards from Lithium-Ion Batteries

Underwriters Laboratories’ (UL’s) Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI) has just released a free, online training module, Science of Fire and Explosion Hazards from Lithium-Ion Batteries.

Lithium-ion battery-powered devices are everywhere. They can be found in consumer products like laptops, cell phones and power tools, on our roadways in electric vehicles, electric scooters and other electric mobility devices, and they are even being used to support the nation’s electric power grid.

Along with their increased use, fires involving various lithium-ion battery products have also increased at an alarming rate, resulting in numerous injuries and fatalities. Even when the initial cause of a fire was not the lithium-ion battery-powered device, the involvement of these batteries can increase the intensity and magnitude of the fire.

FSRI’s new online training draws on its foundational research conducted to date with lithium-ion batteries. The course aims to help firefighters better understand the physical phenomena that determine how hazards develop during lithium-ion battery incidents.

The lessons are supported by video footage from FSRI’s lithium-ion battery experiments which capture the physical phenomena and illustrate the hazards in action.

Firefighters can use the foundational understanding of the hazards gained from this course to develop strategies to mitigate the associated risks.

The course is estimated to take about one hour to complete. It is self-paced and offers a certificate of completion after successfully passing a short multiple-choice test.

Accessing the course requires a free account with FSRI’s Fire Safety Academy. Once logged into the Fire Safety Academy, visit the course page to launch the course.

You can learn more about FSRI’s ongoing research with lithium-ion batteries and access additional training related to this topic at FSRI.org.

(Source: FSRI)

 Frank, KF7HXV, has designated me as club historian.  I am honored to write, or re-write, the official history of OARS.  If you have any historical documents about OARS, articles, newsletters, photos, anything relating to OARS, are all welcome, please email them to me at w7plc@arrl.net and I will use them in this important project.  I will dedicate a special place on the website for this project once it is complete.  

Phil Cornell

olyham.blogspot.com Webmaster and code herder

 Now that I am the editor of this web site, I would like to collect as many WATTS Newsletters as possible, particularly the July through Dec 2022 issues so that they may be posted to the WATTS News Archives for all to read and enjoy.  Send them in .pdf format to w7plc@arrl.net



 I have been working on re-learning the ins and outs of the website and making updates where I can.  I have updated the OARS Officers and Key Personnel chart and fixed the link to the current Watts News.  I will continue to work on updates and improvements and if you want to see something specific, just email me at w7plc@arrl.net and I'll get it added.



Codebeautify.org Text to HTML Converter

New Web site editor As of Jan 5, 2023, we have a new web site editor. Phil Cornell W7PLC, original creator of the site, will return as Web site editor. Start looking for updates and corrections to the existing site. New information will be posted as soon as possible.

How to join OARS

Click on the "Online Membership Form" under "Club Related Information", fill it out and submit it. Dues are $25 per year due in Jan each year, use the "Payments to OARS" link.


Thurston County ARES is an all volunteer organization of amateur radio operators who serve our community during disasters. If you are interested in joining TCARES, send an email to wa7oly@gmail.com and we will get you started.
