Amateur Radio is best when you get active, chat with others and meet up, so join us on the air or in person!
We promise that we don't bite.
Weekly OARS and Thurston County ARES (TCARES) Nets:
OARS operates repeaters on the following frequencies:
147.36 MHz(+) (PL 103.5 on TX output only)
224.46 MHz(-) (PL 103.5)
441.40 MHz(+) (PL 103.5)
The TCARES Net is at 7:00pm every Tuesday on the OARS repeaters, prior to the OARS Net. Guests are welcome, or just listen in if you prefer.
The weekly OARS General Information Net is every Tuesday evening at 7:30PM on the OARS repeaters. Just set your radio for one of the repeaters, and join us. All licensed Amateur Radio operators are welcome. Guests are welcome, or just listen in if you prefer.
The Next OARS meeting is Wednesday, Jan 18, 2023
Our meetings are always open to the public and held